New Feature Of Google My Business

What is Google My Business?

If you are starting out a business, Google My Business is a tool that is handy for all business starters. Even if you already have a business, the tool will help enhance the business in getting recognized and hopefully with more customers.

Google My Business essentially lists your business in the web. With e-commerce on a high, 8 out of 10 shoppers rely on the internet for searching particular products or services. When your business is listed, it matches the search of a potential customer’s needs. How things go from there would depend on the seller or the shopper or both.

A tool as simple as Google My Business is a boon for business people as exposure is the only way to expand and what better way than to do it through the internet? It is extremely easy to use and requires no special sets of instructions or skills to operate it.

What is the latest feature of Google My Business?

The latest feature of Google My Business is that, it helps a user to set locations of their business or businesses during setup. This is helpful when nearby potential customers are looking for certain services and upon matching the services and location, it becomes a win-win situation for both the seller and the customer.

During the setup, the user will be asked if they want to add a location of their store or business. The user can decline this request too, if in case there is some issue with providing an address or is simply not interested in doing so.

Users can also add their storefront address and service area separately given the options. So if the businesses serve the customers through the actual location, then users can enter their storefront address, if not, they can leave it blank.

Need Help Getting Your Google Page Setup?

Then contact the team at King Digital Marketing. We can put together a plan of action that will work for you!

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