Four Ways to Convert Visitors into Customers through Clever Web Design

Online visibility is paramount when it comes to improving customer behavior. In this day and age of digital everything, consumers have become more challenging than ever to please. A large chunk of those who shop online use their mobile phones to browse and make transactions. This has necessitated the need to be smart with how to market your services and products online.
Consumers in the modern context are categorized into three distinct types, according to Google. They are:

• Curious customer – A curious customer is one who is obsessed with researching everything before buying.• Impatient customer – Such type of customer typically shop while on the go.
• Demanding customer – This type of customer craves the touch-points which are tailored to their needs without verbalizing it.

The varying type of customers alone warrants a smart digital design so that they are not just visitors but buyers.

Four web design factors that guarantee a conversion

1. Quick loading pages

When your website takes longer than your competitor to load, customers will not come back. Up to 22% of mobile users say that when a page is slow to load, they immediately leave it.

A webpage that is quick to load will not only generate traffic. It is also an SEO ranking factor, so you can be sure that visitors will become buyers.

2. Clear navigation

Ease of navigation is another factor that separates an average webpage from a great one. You should consider the fact that not all visitors will have a dedicated path or tech-savvy.

The best web pages are those that have a navigation group of five to seven. This reduces the options and helps the visitors to make a quick decision.

3. User-friendly layout

The next important web design that you can use for conversion is a layout that is user-friendly. Most customers who come to your page will not have the time or the inclination to read everything. They usually skim the page for information.

Some of the useful ways to make the page user-friendly are:

• Using short paragraphs to present an idea
• Breaking up the monotony of the page using relevant images
• Using an appropriate amount of negative space

4. Using CTA

Using clear and concise CTA or call to action is another way to convert a visitor into a potential customer. It can be anything from an invitation to another page, a product, or a file that can be loaded.