5 Free Ways to Launch Digital Marketing at Your Law Firm

Digital Marketing Tips That Can Help Boost Your Law Firm!

Digital marketing is the future of every business and service. It has propelled the success of larger companies and given a fair share to smaller ones as well. 

According to the American Bar Association report, a vast majority of law firms do not even have a website. In this age where more than 80% of the population accesses the internet for everything, this can be detrimental to your firm.

Smaller law firms are caught in a tricky situation when it comes to digital marketing. While they feel the need to spread the word, it is not always possible when your client roster is not packed.  

Fortunately, taking your law firm into digital marketing does not require a lot of funds. There are some effective ways you can do so without spending a fortune. 

Below, we share the five free ways you can embark on digital marketing for your law firm.

1. Update your profile

This is one of the best ways to get the word around. But many businesses overlook this critical step. Inaccurate information is not only misleading, but it takes clients away from your firm.

Updating your web profile includes your name, postal address and phone number. If you have social media accounts, make sure the details on it are the same as the one on the website.

Another area to update your profile is the online directories, whether legal or general.

2. Optimize Google My Business Listing

This free online tool can be a great way to spread the word about your law firm. Effective use of this tool can improve your business in a significant way. It becomes a platform where you input information and clients communicate through their reviews. Clients can also book appointments through the platform as well.

Ways to optimize Google My Business listing:

  • Make sure that all information you input in the profile is accurate
  • Add a location – It adds credibility when Google verifies your business location
  • Be very specific while choosing the category of business – Personal Injury Lawyer is more precise than lawyer
  • Encourage reviews from your clients and respond to them as well.

3. Publish a blog post weekly

Adding new content to your website is another free but effective digital marketing strategy. Weekly blog posts that have a word count of 500 and above are the most effective.

Make your blog posts effective by:

  • Creating organic and original content
  • Using high-volume keywords in the meta description
  • Using bullets and numbers frequently in the post
  • Including a picture in the post
  • Adding social sharing plug-in

4. Publish a free newsletter

A newsletter that is sent out every month is also a very effective digital marketing tool. It functions as a gentle reminder to your contacts and carries updated information as well.

Creating a newsletter is relatively easy. You can use templates to create informative and inviting newsletters. Use free online tools to make publishing even more effortless. One of the best tools for publishing newsletters is the Mailchimp. It is free and straightforward to use, as well.

5. In-house management of social media accounts

These days almost all businesses and firms have social media accounts. But you don’t have to hire someone from the outside to manage it. Someone from the team can handle the media accounts.

If you are a solo firm, consider managing the accounts yourself. After all, there is no one better equipped to interact with the clients than you.

The best way to make your social media accounts reach out to your clients is social sharing. Connecting with your followers by posting regularly and responding to their queries can make you stay on top.